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Patriot Support Program

San Marcos Treatment Center is pleased to offer its Patriot Support Program serving the Children and Adolescents of members of the U.S. military. The program offers specialized behavioral health treatment specifically designed for the needs and challenges of military dependents (children and adolescents ages 6 – 17). Using a trauma informed approach, the program focuses on the challenges faced by the children of military personnel, building upon the resiliency skills used to overcome challenges in their personal lives. For more information about Patriot Support Programs, please visit www.PatriotSupportPrograms.com.

Patriot Support Program for Active-Duty Military and Their Families

Proud TRICARE® Partner

For more than 50 years, we have been partnered with CHAMPUS and TRICARE® as a certified RTC provider, serving the mental health needs of military dependents and families. We strive to exceed the RTC Standards established by the Department of Defense.